The third annual Spencer Mile is now ready to enter. All the details you need are below!
Date: Sunday 26th September 2021
Venue: Thorpe Park Lake. Thorpe Lakes, Thorpe Road, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8PH
Course: 4 x round 400m loop.
Time: 8.30am briefing. 9.00am first wave.
Swimmers must be registered prior to swimming. Late swimmers will not be permitted to compete.
The event will be swum in waves of similar ability based on previous results. Waves of ideally 5/6 will start 30 seconds apart.
The swim will start in the water by the pier of the lake. Swimmers must touch the pier on each lap and must swim around the outside of each buoy, keeping the buoy to their left. Swimmers finish by touching the pier at the end of their fourth lap.
Timing: Manual.
Categories: Wetsuit and skins. Age groups based on every 5 years from 20+.
Entries made by email to Steve Baker (sbaker50@btinternet.com). Please provide your DoB and whether wetsuit or skin category.
Price: £20 each to include entry, prize, refreshments.
Payment: Please confirm your entry by emailing Steve for bank account details for payment.
No cash will be taken on the day!
Prizes for first, second and third in each age group.
Special overall award for skins v suits where wetsuits get a 10%-time calculation penalty. 1 men, 1 women.
We will be holding a barbecue and light refreshments at the lakeside straight after the racing. This will be from 10am till lunchtime. Drinks will be available but warm beverages are available from the lakeside café.
Donations: Intentions to offer a cake or similar will be very gratefully received. Please advise intention to Steve in advance either in person at training or via email.