
Committee roles are time limited to one year. This means every year, at our Annual General Meeting, we vote for who we want to fill each Committee role.

We try to meet every 6 weeks or so, but in practice do a significant amount of Committee business by email. In addition to the specific roles on the Committee, the Committee as a collective has some overall Club Governance duties, specified in our Club’s Constitution.

If you would like to get involved on the Committee, here’s how to do it:

  1. Read on to get an idea of the position you feel most suited to fill. It would be great to hear from you if you are a qualified accountant, solicitor, civil servant, business owner or company director (now or in the past) and are interested in being the Club Chair, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or Club Secretary for a year. Or perhaps you are a great merchandiser or sales person and could get the Club great deals on kit?
  2. Email Please note that you must be a fully paid up Member of our Club to be on the Committee.

Committee 2022/23

Interim Club Chair – Michael MacDonald

Main tasks
Overall responsibility for the Club, it’s reputation, Branding and Rules
Resolve serious disputes between Members
Own the Club’s Accounts, in concert with the Treasurer, Club Secretary and Membership Secretary
Chair Committee meetings with a casting vote in the event of tied votes
Report to the AGM on previous year’s Club activity
Manage and administer ASA membership records (as agreed with Membership Secretary)

Treasurer – Sara Luder

Main tasks
Own the Club’s Accounts, in concert with the Chair, Club Secretary and Membership Secretary
Keep the accounts – record income and expenditure
Banking – reconcile bank transactions with accounts
Pay bills and collect income
Reconcile session sheets with income actually received
Set up new members/remove expired members in the accounts and session sheet
Prepare financial statement/forecast for the Committee, and present accounts to the AGM

Club Secretary – Emma Sweetland

Main Tasks
Pool provision and liaison
Maintain proper records (for AGM and Committee meetings, Pool bookings and payments, and other ASA recommended records except Membership records and financial records)
Organise committee meetings and AGMs, preparing agendas, taking minutes
Deal with the day to day running of the club including implementation of Club Rules
Own the Club’s Accounts, in concert with the Chair, Membership Secretary and Treasurer
Manage and administer ASA membership records (as agreed with Membership Secretary)

Membership Secretary – Luke Schuberth

Main Tasks
Manage and administer Club membership records
Manage and administer ASA membership records
Process new Members
Process leavers
Deal with disputes between Members in concert with the Club Chair
Own the Club’s Accounts, in concert with the Chair, Club Secretary and Treasurer

Team Manager – Vacant

(Email us if you’re interested in helping the club with this)

Main Tasks
Identify Galas for potential participation by Spencer Members
Identify Members for Club relay teams
Administer the entry of relay teams to competitions
Submit British, European and World records to relevant authorities on behalf of the Club
Advise Members about charges for relay participation
Manage and administer ASA membership records (as agreed with Membership Secretary)

Kit Secretary – Molly Steward

Main Tasks
Define Club kit requirements
Obtain quotes for manufacture and supply of branded Club Kit (for Committee approval) Propose prices for kit (for Committee approval)
Take orders for kit
Collect money for orders and pass to Treasurer
Distribute kit to Members
Keep proper financial records of kit sales, and submit them to Club Treasurer and Committee Meetings

Social Secretary – Vacant

(Email us if you’re interested in helping the club with this)

Main Tasks
Organise minimum 2 annual Club wide social events: summer party and Christmas party
Agree a budget per head
Source venues
Promulgate social events to Club and encourage participation
Liaise with venues and Members to ensure smooth running of the events

Communications Officer – Rebecca Pritchard 

Main Tasks
To be defined by new Committee.